We are committed to developing market leading processes that help our environment. Our low carbon cement substitute – Eco-Cem is the product of years of research and testing. Slag cement is the best low carbon alternative available and we’re proud to make locally.
We aim to :
- Reduce offsite emissions to the lowest practical levels.
- Conserve energy and mineral resources.
- Reduce our carbon footprint across all products.
- Source materials sustainably.
- Reduce the environmental effects of transportation.

We are a proven equal opportunity employer with a diverse, stable and long serving workforce. Staff turnover is low, and many people grow with the business into new roles with training and career growth opportunities.

Focus on Fleet
Our distribution fleet is the newest and most efficient in the industry. KPIs are measured and staff is managed to minimize impacts. All our fleets are designed to run H licences to maximize payload and minimize fuel consumption

The Concrete Industry
In an independent study from 2020 by Thinkstep Ltd, it was shown that the NZ concrete industry had reduced its embodied carbon by 15% since 2005, despite 10% population growth over this time. With NZ as a signatory to the Paris agreement of 30% lower emissions by 2030, the concrete industry in New Zealand is halfway there.

Environmental Product Declaration
Our GP Cement has been independently verified for its environmental effects as an EPD by Thinkstep Ltd. See more on the Product Page.

Industry Contribution
Members of our staff serve on the board of Concrete New Zealand, pushing the industry forward. This was recognized in 2020 with Cameron Greig receiving an Outstanding Contribution award from the organisation.

Environmental Policy
Our Environmental Policy sets the foundation on which all facets of our business operate. The policy is available to download here.